You are kindly invited to submit abstracts describing research work that you wish to present at the conference.
All abstracts will be reviewed by the Scientific Committee. The presenting author must register to attend the conference after which the abstract will be included in the conference proceedings.
11. May 2025.
The presenting author will be informed about the acceptance of the abstract at the latest 7 days before deadline for Early Bird registration.
Guidelines for submission of abstracts:
A written abstract must be submitted for oral/poster presentation. Please read the following guidelines carefully before submitting the abstract.
- Abstracts can only be submitted through this website. (Find form below)
- Abstracts must be pasted in the appropriated boxes in the “abstract submission form”.
- Abstracts should be marked with either “oral presentation, “poster presentation” or both
- Abstracts must be written in English and must not exceed 250 words
- Abstracts must be structured under the following headings:
All presentations must describe original work to which all authors listed have made a significant contribution. No honorarium, fee or payment of expenses will be provided for presentations.
The conference will have the following sessions:
SESSION 1: Vitamin supply and bioavailability from alternative diets
SESSION 2: Choline –sources, functions, requirements
SESSION 3: Vitamin and drug interaction in disease prevention and therapy
SESSION 4: Vitamins in foods – analytical challenges and novel approaches
SESSION 5: Bioavailability of vitamins including pharmacokinetics and novel biomarkers
SESSION 6: Emerging topics and data gaps in vitamin research
Author should select the relevant session for their abstract. The Scientific Committee might select another session. The information on this will be given in the final approval from the Scientific Committee to the author.
Oral presentations:
Speakers will have a 10-min oral presentation including 5-min Q&A to participants in Munich.
See guidelines for oral presentation: click here
Poster presentations:
All posters will be displayed at the Poster Event.
Poster presenters will be asked to include a 3-minute presentation incl. 2-min Q&A to participants in Munich.
The presentation will take place at the poster session including a light meal and beverages.
Please see guidelines for poster presentation: click here